domenica 1 novembre 2015

A crash course in Python - Lesson 1: Basic principles

Recently I found myself in learning two or three things in Python. Why Python? Well, every data scientist knows how important is to use programming languages for which data science libraries are available, and actually Python is one of these languages.

I would like to summarize all the concepts I have learned in a set of articles. Such concepts are really simple, but help one in getting started with this programming language.

A note: In this small tutorial, I am using Python 2.7, since Python 3 is not backward-compatible with Python 2.

Readable code? Commented code

Comments in Python are inserted as follows:

# this is a comment
a = b + c # this is a comment too

Indenting code is the only option!

Many programming languages (e.g., Java, C++) use curly braces to delimit blocks of code. Python replaces curly braces with indentation.

  for i in [1, 2, 3]:
    print i
    for j in [1, 2, 3]:
      print j
      print i + j

Notice, moreover, that semicolon are not needed in this language, so, do not use them.

Adding functionalities via modules

A module in Python is a third-party feature collector that, if included in your code, allows you to use such features.

Importing a module:
import re as reg_expr
my_regular_expression = reg_expr.compile("[0-9]", reg_expr.I)

Importing only a set of features from a module:
# module: collections
# functions: defaultdict, Counter
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
lookup = defaultdict(int)
my_counter = Counter()

Arithmetic: dividing double values made easy

Python executes integer divisions by default, so that, for instance, when we execute $5 / 2$, this equals $2$. Since usually we do not want to obtain this, there is a tweak that allows us to do proper divisions resulting in non-integer numbers:
from __future__ import division
From now on, $5/2 = 2.5$.

If you want to perform integer division, then, you will write:
5 // 2

Python functions

A function, as usual, is a portion of code that takes zero or more inputs and returns an output. In Python functions are defined as follows:
def double(x):
  """ this is the description of the function"""
  return x * 2

Functions as parameters

As in JavaScript, it is possible to pass functions as parameters to other functions:
def apply_to_one(myFunction):
  return myFunction(1)

# double is a function
my_double = double
x = apply_to_one(my_double)

Lambda functions

Lambda functions are short anonymous functions, declared in Python as follows:
y = apply_to_one(lambda x: x + 4)
Here, I am passing as a function that requires to add $4$ to any provided input. Then, I am passing such function as a parameter to a function that adds $1$ to the input. As a result, the function apply_to_one calls the lambda function passing the value $x = 1$, which results in $x = 1$ plus $x = x + 4$, which in turn returns $x = 5$.

Default arguments for functions

Default arguments need to be specified when you want a value other than the default.
def my_print(message="my default message"):
  print message

my_print("hello") #prints "hello"
my_print() #prints "my default message"

Default arguments can be specified by name, if needed:
def subtract(a=0,b=0):
  return a - b

subtract(0,5) #returns -5
subtract(b=5) # returns -5


Strings, as in JavaScript,can be delimited by single or double quotation marks.
my_string = "hello"
your_string = 'hello to you'
Python uses the len() function to return the length of the string (i.e., the number of characters it contains).


Why try-catching exceptions, if you can try-except them? Python does it! Forget about the catch clause. You can handle an exception as follows:
  print 0 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
  print "cannot divide by zero"

Control flow


Obviously, Python allows to alter the execution flow by performing actions conditionally using an if:
if 1 > 2:
    print "1 is smaller than 2"
elif 1 > 3:
    print "1 is smaller than 3"
    print "all other conditions failed."

Python has also the ternary if-then-else line:
parity = "even" if z % 2 == 0 else "odd"


This is the construct for the while loop:
x = 0
while x < 10:
    x += 1


This is the construct for the for loop:
for x in range(10)
    print x

If you need more complex logic, you can use continue and break:
for x in range(10):
    if x == 3:
    if x == 5:
    print x

Boolean values

Booleans in Python work as in other languages, except they are capitalized:

  • True is the true value
  • False is the false value
  • None indicates a nonexistent value (similar to other languages' NULL value)
The following values are treated as false: False, None, [] (i.e., an empty list), {} (i.e., an empty dictionary), "", set(), 0, 0.0
Anything else gets treated as True.

Python has:
  • an all function, which takes a list and returns True precisely when every element is truthy
  • an any function, which returns True when at least one element is truthy


Well, that's all for basic principles. They are kind of common with other languages.
A little thing that I did not cover is how Python handles data types. Here is a nice explanation about why Python is both a dynamic language and also a strongly typed language. To summarize the whole thing:
  • Strong typing means that the type of a value cannot change. For instance, a variable that is born as string remains a string, cannot be converted to numbers. Python is strongly typed: variable types stay as they are.
  • Dynamic typing means that runtime objects have a type, as opposed to static typing where variables have a type. Python is a dynamic language.

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